
Astha foundation – Group of Leading Drug Addiction center

“Recovery is not a Death Sentence, Addiction Is”.

Addiction of a Drug also known as the substance disorder that immensely affects the mental and physical health of the user and their loved ones, when did a deep study it was found a person start doing drugs because of the peer pressure, bad company, to experience and in majority of cases to release stress and hassle of personal and professional life. Substances such as Alcohol, marijuana and nicotine are considered as drugs in today’s youth culture.     

If you are one of them who’s been the victim of Drug Addiction / abuse or know someone who is struggling with substance abuse then in next few minutes your majority of the complication will get resolved presenting you the leading and eminent Drug addiction centre i.e,

Astha Foundation – The Message of Hope 

Astha foundation is the chief industry expert when it comes to addiction of any kind whether Tobacco, Cocaine, Alcohol or any kind of psychrotrophic drug as the quality professionals working with us knows how to handle all of it with a very decent and non violent way. The meaning and consequences of addiction are far more than the frequent use of alcohol and drugs it physically and mentally tear down the person sometimes it causes multidimensional impairment in several domains of life in treatment at Astha foundation we address all these issues by assuring biopsychological treatment activity. 

Why Astha Foundation ??    

We believe in order to achieve something in life, to reach a goal vision must be specified being a recognized leader of the rehabilitation industry offering various Drug addiction centre, we understand the importance and significance of ambition that one is expecting from us as a result here we offer high quality, innovative and supportive plan of action for the individual lying with the catastrophic after effects of addiction and related mental health issues.

At Astha foundation we provide a multidisciplinary approach along with the range of supportive treatment modalities on the induced mental health disorders that also reduces the influence of drugs on societies and families as a whole.  

The Astha recovery

The leading Drug Addiction centre has its own prominent, effective as well the efficient way to recover the victim of substance or Drug abuse according to research dependance on chemical is the kind of biopsychological disease that requires holistic and integrated method to address social, spiritual, physical, mental and psychological repercussions of Drug addiction. 

In the Astha Recovery program it is necessary not only for patients but their families and loved ones also play a huge role.

The extent of  treatment services ranges from basic awareness to counseling sessions to extreme patient care, after care and to family support.   

Our staff has years of experience in “How to deal with the condition of extreme substance dependency”. They understand the mentality and addictive behavior of the one  who is dealing with all of these. Our approach has the dominant and influential impact on the lives of the people who are dealing with the consequences of Drug addiction.   

Currently the success ratio of our foundation is 50% in aiding victims to restore their lives, recently we have received highest recognition from the member of parliament for our work and results that we have shown.

How Astha Foundation is different from other Drug Addiction centres?

Getting rehabilitated from the Drugs is a journey that one must go through and sometimes a difficult task for some of the victims while being in middle of their journey almost everyone started having the urge to start up the drugs, alcohol, nicotine etc again and many a times one starts getting violent to achieve their drugs or try to escape from the centres where they were isolated because of different factors sometimes because of their effort and sometimes because of the lack of medical and professional care they don’t get the assistance and care that is needed because mentally, emotionally and psychologically connected proper counseling, guidance should be there in accordance to achieve the aim of rehabilitation.

Unlike other Drug Addiction centres we believe in providing personal and professional care to our patients with significant number of facilities like

  • 24 * 7 availability of a Doctor / Medical Assistance
  • Medically managed detoxification facility
  • 50 bed residential facility         
  • Relaxation amenities for group and peer-to-peer individuals are accessible
  • Premium standards of Hygiene
  • Inspection by Municipal authorities are also accompanied
  • Undergoing facility for women alcoholics and abusers
  • Maintaining of confidentiality of the victim/ patient
  • Yoga and Meditation therapies
  • Meetings with family members are rendered 

Here are some of the few Uniqueness which are only be provided at the Astha foundation centres which comes under the primary care and the key elements on which we focus a lot almost every element of recovery/ healing has been covered herein but if in exceptional cases a victim/ patient lacks in any of them, an extended and after care has also been assured from us as our treatment is based on “ Minnesota recovery Model ” commonly known as abstinence model where alcoholics and addicts helps each other which is comprehensive, oriented and multi professional approach  for the treatment of the addictions, it comes with the combinations of those other treatments including those used in therapeutic communities.

Are you someone who is dealing with addiction or know someone who is dealing with it ??

Take a Pledge to overcome your Drug addiction with Astha Foundation and make your life normal as it used to be

Astha Foundation Drug De Addiction Helpline number –

 098100 31931

Link for website

Click here- https://asthafoundation.co/


Click here- Location

National Toll free Drug De Addiction Helpline Number :

TEL : 1800-11-0031

Tobacco quit Helpline number 


Testimonials Go and check out the experiences of the people who were the sufferers of Drug and Alcohol abuse and after getting associated with Astha foundation their life has taken a 360 degree turn now they are normal as they used to be earlier and living an Healthy, happy and prosperous life along with their loved ones .

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